The quiz: And the winner is....

And the winner is....
Hello everyone, and here I am with the results. I first want to thank everyone who participated in the quiz! It was very nice that you were so active. We had 21 active participants,but first winners....

her gift:
 her gift:
her gift
 And do not worry, there soon will be a different game!

The answers

1.Who is the creator of stardoll?
Liisa Wrang

2.What was the previous name of stardoll?
Paperdoll heaven

3.In how many languages is stardoll available?
4.Where is stardoll's main office?
Stockholm, Sweden

5.Where can you follow stardoll (on which other sites, min. 2 sites)
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, youtube,...

6.Which celebrities have en suite here on stardoll? Mention three.
There are 17 celebs on stardoll with their own suite:

Alberta Ferretti, Alyson Michalka, Amy Diamond, Augustus Prew, Avril Lavigne, CC, Dakota Blue Richards, Darin, Faith Hill, Gosia Pearline ,Kimora Simmons, Malina Joseph, Milly & Becky Rosso, Paulina Porizkova, Sabrina Bryan, Vivienne Tam, Öykü Peksel

7. How you become a royalty member?
In order to become Royalty:
•You need to be a Superstar.
•You also need to have purchased a minimum of 5000 Stardollars or the equivalent of 365 days of Superstar.
•You need to be at least Level 12.

8. Who won Miss Stardoll World 2013?

9.Do you have to be a Super star member to organize a party?
No, but NON-Superstars have to pay  stardollars for a party/chat.

10. Do you know which store this piece is?
Millionaire ( Hibiscus Romper)

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2 Responses so far.

  1. Anoniem says:

    Congrats for the winners ^-^ I -unfortunately- didn't have the time to answer the questions 'cause I was ill in the hospital for 2 days... Whatever.. Congrats again! ♥

  2. Anoniem says:

    congrats ammu (amritajoy2).. and checkout my suite buddyswetha

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